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Sunday, March 16, 2008

An Eeyore Sort of Week

Sunday afternoon we ate lunch at this great, new restaurant I'd been wanting to visit. By Sunday night, half the family was throwing up. Thankfully, the baby and I were in the half that wasn't.

I spent the night emptying buckets, scrubbing carpet, and washing sheets and towels. Bother!

Everyone felt better by morning, but we still took it easy this week. We read The House at Pooh Corner and attended the puppet show at a local children's theater.

We took a trip to the library to get books for next week.

By Friday everyone was well enough for swim lessons. Jasmine spent the entire session crying, yet she's learned to swim after only two lessons.

Andrew had his last basketball game on Saturday. They won!

So we started off Eeyore and ended up a little Poohish.

1 comment:

Elspeth said...

Oh, how awful! But thank goodness you were wll enough to be the nurse and the baby didn't get sick. Congrats on the basketball victory!