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Monday, April 13, 2009

101 Ways to Lower Your Homeschool Cost

So far this year, my family has experienced a pay cut, reduced work hours, and a reduction in benefits. Like many families across the country, we've been looking for ways to cut our expenses, pay off debt and save money.

Last week, I released my first e-book - 101 Ways to Save Money on Homeschooling.

This FREE e-book can help you save hundreds of dollars by showing you what to buy, where to buy it, where to find freebies, and how to have fun on a budget.

Follow this link to download my free e-book, and find ways to lower your homeschool cost!

If you enjoy the book, please help me spread the word by posting the following link on your website or blog:

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Annie Kate said...

Hi Carletta,

I've just discovered your site via the Erskine freebies, and I'm excited to explore it. It looks like you have a wealth of information. But first, to read your ebook. Thank you!

Annie Kate

Anonymous said...

Hi Carletta,
I've tried unsuccessfully to download you ebook from your website. any tips, on how I can acquire it?
Thanks, Irene

Carletta said...

Hi Irene,

I'm sorry your having trouble with the download. Send me an e-mail through the contact form on my website, and I'll send you a copy of the book by e-mail. Here's the link to my contact form:
